April 19, 2014


Cardiac and Vascular CT Teaching Course
Joint activity: 10th CT Coronary Angiography Teaching Course 2014
& 2nd Taiwan International Cardiovascular CT Symposium

April 19-20, 2014 (Sat-Sun)
GIS NTU convention center @ Taipei
A Singapore-Taiwan joint activity.
Top cardiac CT teaching teams in Asia.
Curators: John Hoe & I-Chen Tsai

This educational activity pending endorsement by:

Curators: John Hoe, MD, FRCR, FAMS & I-Chen Tsai, MD, PhD
     Excellent course!
     ‘Dr. John Hoe's lectures were great.’
     ‘More talks by Dr. Tsai I-Chen and Dr. John Hoe.’

Hosted by: InnovaRad Inc, Medi-IPA Pte Ltd., Chi-Mei Medical Center
CME credit: RSROC 8 and 6 hours (day 1 and 2), TSOC pending.
Contact:  innovarad.inc@gmail.com  InnovaRad Inc.  Ms. Amy Liao  

Date: April 19-20 (Sat-Sun), 2014
   (Taipei Metro, Green Line, Gongguan Station)
   - Day 1 (April 19): Socrates
   - Day 2 (April 20): Plato
Participants: Cardiologists, radiologists, cardiovascular surgeons,
      technologists, and associated personnels.

Day 1, April 19, lectures: (text format)

Day 2, April 20, master class hands-on workshop: (text format)

Faculty: (text format)

Lucky draw: One lucky participant per day.
     Return the questionnaire in the last session of each day.
     Win your iPad mini with Retina! (USD 399)
Photography award: One photo award winner per day.
Upload your photo to InnovaRad: Radiating Innovations.
Day 1 before 2:40p, Day 2 before 12:30p.
Win an iPad mini with Retina (USD 399) for yourself!
(Prepare to win the photography award.)

Registration types:
  - Day 1 (lectures): USD 400  (Sold out)
  - Day 1 + 2 (lectures + hands-on): USD 700  (Sold out)

Your Feedback: Before April 23 (Wed), send an MS-WORD file with your feedback (>300 words) and an event photo to us (innovarad.inc@gmail.com). We will give you USD 50 as honorarium (via PayPal). Selected feedback articles will be posted on CVCT2014 website.
No recording: Taking picture during the meeting is allowed.
      NO recording. NO videotaping.

Refund policy:
  Day 1 + 2 registrants: 2 weeks before, refund USD 533.
           Within 2 weeks, refund USD 266.
  Day 1 registrants: 2 weeks before, refund USD 266.
           Within 2 weeks, refund USD 133.
  Transfer your registration to a friend: no additional fee required.

Contact:  InnovaRad Inc.  Ms. Amy Liao  innovarad.inc@gmail.com
Brochure download: http://goo.gl/FocZk9